The Asakura Brotherhood, an ancient order forged in the crucible of time long before the cataclysmic events of the Great Undoing, stands as a bastion of knowledge and guardianship in the tumultuous world of Domus. Founded upon the principles of self-mastery and enlightenment, the Asakura welcome those who seek to transcend the limitations of their mortal coil and ascend to higher planes of existence.

Members of the Asakura devote their lives to the pursuit of ascendance, honing their minds, bodies, and spirits in a relentless quest for self-improvement. Through rigorous training and esoteric teachings, they unlock the latent magic within them, blossoming into powerful thaumaturges capable of bending reality to their will.

Within the ranks of the Asakura, their exists specialized roles such as knights and scholars, each fulfilling distinct duties essential to the order’s mission. At the helm of this ancient fraternity stand a select few, the ascended masters whose wisdom and guidance steer the course of the organization.

Over the centuries, the Asakura have faced the steady erosion of their numbers, as the arduous path to ascendance becomes increasingly elusive. Despite their unparalleled knowledge and understanding, the shadow of the events Great Undoing and the presence of the Antithesis looms large, casting doubt upon even the most venerable teachings of the order.

Establishing their stronghold on the island of Portem during the chaos of the Great Undoing, the Asakura have since nurtured the burgeoning city of Portem into a thriving center of commerce and culture. Its varied populace, settled from all corners of Domus, enjoy a relatively high standard of living under the benevolent guardianship of the Asakura Brotherhood.